

Usually business area is located in a strategies location. However, sometimes, the architect who designs the building does not considered the green environment. They just build it based on their needs without even considers the environment condition. Most of them also do not left some green space to keep the air fresh and clean from the pollution. It is an important point to build a business area but most of them neglected it.  

The same with the IKEA SHIN MISHATO as a great building considered those factors. It still keeps the green environment. This IKEA DUBLIN also does the same thing. They keep the environment green. It has green front yard. The front yard covered with the green grass and green plants. The garden is well arranged and looks beautiful.
The facade of this building looks great. Most of the building finished in blue color painting. And there is “IKEA” letter on the front side of the front wall. The IKEA letter is painting in yellow. Blue and yellow colors have a great combination looking. The facade also has tempered glass wall, so you can still see the outside view of the building clearly. It has so many floors and of course it is tall.
IN addition, this building also surrounded with iron fence and it is painted in white. There is also a big ballyhoo of the IKEA in front of this building. Since the location is strategies, near the building there is the main road that will make you easier to go to the other places fast.

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