Great Glass Residence Design

Great Glass Residence Design 

Do you looking for unique house? This glass residence is one of them. You can get the inspiration to make your own unique house. There are so many house designs that can make your house looks unique and different with others. You can make both the interior and exterior differently from others. However, to make different house you also can use different materials like mostly from tempered glass.

Alright, this glass residence is great with mostly the walls made from the tempered glass. This house is quite big and has some rooms inside. You can see the outdoor view right from inside your house clearly. This building is surrounded with the small garden filled with some tall trees, green grass and also some beautiful flowers. You can enjoy them every day in your life.

Moreover, there is an outdoor pool. This pool is located right besides this glass building without any separator. The pool is not too wide but it is long enough for you to swim in your free time. This pool also completed with a staircase on the one side. The floor surrounded the pool covered with pour concrete. You can see this pool clearly from inside your living room, since the walls made from tempered glass.

Inside this building, there is a living room. This room is wide enough and completed with grey sofas with the same color of cushions. The sofas combined with modern square white table on the middle. Besides the sofas, there are two wooden rocking chairs near the bead board. The fireplace is near the wooden chairs. The walls, the bead board and the roof are painted in white while the floor is made from grey ceramics. The lighting comes from the wall lights alongside the white roof. 

Moving to the dining room, this room is equipped with high quality furniture like dining table with its modern chairs. The table is painted in white while the chairs are in black. The same with the other rooms’ floor and roof, the floor made from grey ceramics while the roof and walls are painted in white too.


Great Glass Residence Design

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