Wide Green front yard residence-This two floors residence is big enough for you to live in. It has wide front yard. The yard is covered with fresh green grass. Right in front of this house, you will have an outdoor pool. It is not too small and also not too big. The pool completed with some puffs, you can use it to have a break after enjoy swimming. The facade of this house is fabulous; it comes from the vague lighting and assorted color of the wall. Beside made from the bricks, the wall also made from tempered glass, especially the facade side.
Moving to living room, as a standard, there is a sofa bed fitted with cushions. The pendant lamp and flowers make this room beautiful and classy. The floor is well done in laminate flooring. Some areas of this room is covered with fur rug. The cabinet is right beside the wall. You can put anything you want there; you can display painting, picture frames, or your art works. The fireplace is located perfectly in the corner. From this room, you can go up to the second floor; the staircase is in the right side of the sofa bed. It is safe to go up and go down since the staircase is fenced with tempered glass too.
The dining room and the kitchen are in one room. However, it still looks good and neat. The kitchen island and the cutlery set arranged nicely. Adding some colorful flowers in the dining table to get perfect sense of a romantic dinner with your beloved one.
The bedroom is big. The wide low profile bed is suitable to fit this room. A side of this room which is right in front of the outdoor garden is made from tempered glass. So from your bed you can enjoy the green view of your garden. The lighting comes from wall light. The laminate flooring is perfect to cover the floor, while other parts is covered with fur rug.
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