Unique pavilion-This pavilion is different with the others pavilion. It has unique design. The design is a combination of classics and modern style. This pavilion design will make you feel free to express your personality.
The location is really strategies. It is near the main road, so it is easy to get everywhere. Besides that, this pavilion also near the sea, it has blue sea water scenery. Every time you can get the fresh air from this pavilion. This is suitable places for you and your beloved one or your family to spend the free time or to have a vocation. You can swim or dive in the blue sea water, or enjoy the sunlight in the morning in front of the pavilion while relax your body in a comfortable outdoor puff.
The pavilion wall is made from wood. Moreover, it is done in high gloss finished. The wall also used tempered glass so that you can enjoy the sea view from inside the pavilion. The next unique thing comes from the roof. The roof is in slopping ceiling style. It made from wooden layer with nice pattern. The floor is finished in wooden laminate flooring. It looks classics with the roof and floor made from the mahogany wood.
The facade of this pavillion looks nice. There is some simple puff completed with the white table. You can use it to enjoy your morning tea and get the sunlight. The floor is like a big staircase with the footsteps also made from wood. The amazing thing is there is a wooden bridge that connects the front yard with the floor in the facade. The bridge also looks stylish and classy. It is not too tall. It is quite short. However, this bridge is nice combined with this pavilion. At all, this is perfect pavilion choice.
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